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Task Module Setup for PMs

Automate & document team tasks with Rental Ninja's Task Module. Streamline your operations efficiently and Optimize your time

The Task Module is designed to automatically schedule and assign recurring Jobs, that are to be completed by anyone in your Team.

It will help you save a lot of time, eliminate manual updates, avoid miscommunications and make sure everything will be done in time and by the right person, leaving proof of work reports if desired.

Discover the capabilities of the platform's Task Module

  • Automate Scheduled Jobs - related to a Booking (eg. cleanings and check-ins)

  • Automate Recurring Jobs - not related to a Booking and/or not related to a Rental (eg. administrative Jobs, deep cleanings)

  • Create 1 time Jobs (eg. maintenance issues)

  • Modify/Delete 1 specific Job generated as a Recurring Job (eg. cleaning does not need to be done due to booking extension)

  • Assign Jobs to 1 Person or to a Group of Persons (eg. Cleaning Staff or Rental Managers)

  • Supervise or Inspect Jobs assigned to your Team Members

  • Keep a photo/video report of all Jobs

  • Export lists of the Jobs performed by your Team

It is designed so that your Team can complete the Jobs from any location, for purposes such as check-ins, cleanings, supervisions and maintenance jobs.

On the other hand, you can also use the Scheduled Jobs to set reminders for administrative stuff, such as refunding damage deposits for all your Bookings or check the payment status of your Bookings.

Master effective task automation setup in short-term rentals.

  1. Before creating and assigning Jobs, it is essential that you invite your Team to the platform so that they can complete the Jobs.

Invite your team members

  1. Indicate what Tasks need to be done in each Job.

A Template serves as a To Do list for your Team Members, so that they know exactly what needs to be done in each Job.

To set up an automated Job, it is mandatory to create a Job Template.

However, Job Templates are optional for One time Jobs: we do recommend you to create a Template for your Singular/1 time Jobs, such as Maintenance Jobs. This way, when you create the Jobs on a later stage you will be able to quickly assign a Template to it.

Create Job Template

  1. Schedule out the Jobs or create One time Jobs.

3a Set up a Scheduled Job (related to your Job)


3b Set up a Scheduled Job (not related to your Job)


3c create you One Time Job

Things to keep in mind in the platform short-term rentals:

  • Jobs can only be created/modified/deleted by Team Owners - Admins - Rental Managers.

    All other Team Members are able to claim Jobs and complete them according to their Permissions.

  • Job Inspectionscan only be assigned to Team Owners - Admins - Rental Managers.

  • Any Team Member will be able to see the Jobs according to their Permissions and Rentals' access.

Colour scheme:

  • Confirmed Bookings are displayed in BLUE, Blockings (unavailable dates) are shown in GRAY. Below each Booking/Blocking you will see the Jobs that relate to them.

  • Jobs that need your attention will be either RED when they are past due, or YELLOW when the Job is due today.

  • When a future Job is assigned to a Role the Job is in BLUE; when the Job is assigned to 1 person, it is shown in WHITE

When a Job is assigned to a Role; any person with that Role AND access to the Rental will be able to claim the Job. Alternatively to claiming the Job, a Rental Manager can assign the Job to 1 specific Team Member or reassign it to somebody else.

Last modified: 05 September 2024