What data is synchronised with VRBO?
Dynamic data:
Prices (=always updated instantly)
Availability (=always updated instantly)
Same day booking cut-off
Minimum Stay
Extra Guest price
Static data:
Listing name
Property's basic information, including Sleeps, Max Sleeps, Currency.
Amenities, including bedrooms
Cancellation policy
Down Payment*
Damage Deposit
Arrival information & instructions
Check-in/out times
Terms & Conditions
Important Notes:
Currency: For Vrbo, the currency is fixed and assigned to your VRBO account. For all properties within one account, the currency will be converted to the one that was chosen during the Connection.
Pet Fees: these are only synced when the Fees are Fixed amounts (not percentages)
Optional Fees & Taxes: optional fees and taxes are NOT sent to VRBO; only mandatory ones are sent.
Rental Ninja retrieves leads from Vrbo every 5 minutes.
Maximum length of stay Vrbo offers is 90 days.
Down Payment:*
it is set in 2 layers:
Go to Rentals > view the Rental > Rates / Upsells > Base Rates > Down Payment. It is set on Rental level (tip: you can use the clone data function to copy it between Rentals).
Distribution > VRBO > Account Settings > Custom Payment Schedule. It is set on account level. It is recommended to only set the 2 levels of payment schedule, so it will be equal to the payment schedule in Rental Ninja.
It is essential that both steps are filled to ensure a correct sync.