
Rental Ninja Help Center Help

Having troubles subscribing ?

Case scenarios:

  • Message "VAT ID Number is not correct"

If this message is shown, please SIGN UP WITHOUT VAT Number

(You can directly add the VAT Number to your Account after subscribing through your Team Settings)

Before doing so, please:

  1. Clean your Cache

    If still not working,

  2. Change your internet browser (Safari tends to give more troubles)

    If still not working,

  3. Try to subscribe by opening an Incognito mode Tab.


  1. New / recently created VAT ID numbers are not always recognized by the payment software > please subscribe without a VAT number and add it to your account after subscribing.

  2. Personal ID numbers are NOT accepted > please subscribe without a VAT number and add it to your account after subscribing.

  • Save button does not work - keeps loading

Try changing the internet Browser

  • Credit Card cannot be processed

Please contact your bank to see if online purchases are allowed

If none of the above options work, please reach out to us via the chatbox! We'll assist as soon as we're available.

Last modified: 05 September 2024