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Task Module Color Scheme For PMs

Decode Color Codes: Enhance Property Management with Rental Ninja's Task Module. The Guide for Property Managers in STRs

Eva avatar
Written by Eva
Updated over a week ago

In order to quickly understand the state of each Job, Rental Ninja uses colors to indicate the status of all of them. In this article we explain how the color scheme works.

Calendar View: The Significance of User-Friendly Design in Vacation Rentals

Purple/Blue: A Booking. (Bookings are not shown in the Resource Calendar)

Clear Blue: Upcoming Job, assigned to a Team Role. Pending to be assigned to a specific Team Member.

Green (no filling): Upcoming Job, assigned to 1 Team Member.

Red: Job past due (could be assigned to 1 Team Members or to a Team Role).

Green (filled out): Completed Job.

Rental Ninja Task Module

Rental Ninja Task Module

Always on top of My Jobs/Team Jobs/Inspection in you STRs

For these sections, the color scheme is only applied on the Mobile App of Rental Ninja.

Blue: Upcoming Job, assigned to a Team Role. Pending to be assigned to a specific Team Member.

White: Upcoming Job, assigned to a 1 specific Team Member.

Yellow: Job due to today. (could be assigned to 1 Team Members or to a Team Role)

Red: Job past due (could be assigned to 1 Team Members or to a Team Role).

Green: Completed Job.

Rental Ninja Task Module

Rental Ninja Task Module

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