
Rental Ninja Help Center Help

Control Center / Reports to achive efficiency

Unlock efficiency and control in vacation rental management. Explore how centralized operations save you time and money.

Embark on a data-driven journey within the Control Center, where intricate reports come to life through compelling visualizations.

This pivotal feature unveils the power of graphs, providing an enlightening and illustrative overview of crucial insights.

Optimize Your Operations: A Guide to platform's Control Center

The Control Center offers a visual representation of reports through informative graphs. Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.15.20 AM.png

Each graph is clickable, providing access to detailed reports with various display and download options.

Located at the top right of the page, you'll find settings to choose the reporting period and apply additional filters.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.25.06 AM.png Clicking on the default "Last 30 days" time period will pop up various other time frames that you can select. Once you choose one, the reports will be updated to reflect information for that period.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.26.24 AM.png Clicking on the Filters button also allows you to choose certain rentals and adjust the information based on your selections.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.27.25 AM.png After clicking on Rentals, you can then Filter by City or Filter by Owner.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.28.20 AM.png The last filtering choice enables you to decide whether to incorporate bookings or blocks that are currently unavailable in the generated reports.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.29.20 AM.png

Crucial Reminder: Any filters chosen at the screen's top impact the data and display of all reports simultaneously.

Discover the narrative behind the numbers and delve into a world of insights brought to you by Rental Ninja's Control Center.

Want to keep track of your KPIs? And make sure that your business is still going strong?

Check out our Reports section!

The Statistics included are:

  • Revenue (Gross Revenue)

    Net Revenue figures can be found through the Accounting Module Statistics

  • Payments Received

  • Guests Hosted

  • Active Rentals

  • Nights Filled

  • Occupancy Rates

  • Nights Booked Ahead

  • Bookings Created

  • Nights Created

  • Bookings Cancelled

  • Nights Cancelled

  • Advance Booking Days (How many days in advance where the properties booked?)

  • Average Booking Length

  • Average Booking Price

  • Average Price per Night (ADR)

  • Channel Revenue (Gross Revenue generated per Booking Channel)

  • Channel Nights (Number of nights booked through each Booking Channel)

  • Payment Methods

  • Platform Users

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.32.52 AM.png

What benefits does the Reports section offer?

  1. All Reports can be expanded to get more detailed information on them

  2. All Reports can be filtered per Rental and period.

  3. Compare the Statistics between different periods to understand the current state of your business.

  4. Export & Share the details with interested parties.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.35.36 AM.png Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.35.54 AM.png


  • The data in the Reports is qualified according to the check-in date of a Booking

Last modified: 05 September 2024