
Rental Ninja Help Center Help

How to disconnect your property from Airbnb?

Disconnect (& Delete) 1 property:

  1. Go to Distribution - Airbnb

  2. Search for the listing and click on Manage

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  1. Click on Unlist this property

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  1. When done, please send us a message so we can request the disconnection of the listing with Airbnb. This process may take a few days.

  2. Finally, If you also want to delete it from Airbnb, this is to be done directly in Airbnb. This is not possible on Rental Ninja's side.

Disconnecting ALL properties:

  1. Go to your Airbnb account

  2. Account

  3. Privacy & Sharing

  4. Services

  5. Remove access of "QuickConnect"

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Note that the listings will remain live on Airbnb. From now on, you will have to manage them directly on Airbnb.

Extra option: CLOSING availability for ALL Rentals in Airbnb, while keeping the synchronization with Rental Ninja active:

  1. Distribution - Airbnb

  2. Bulk Actions

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  1. Unlist all listings

It will change the status of the properties in Airbnb to 'unlisted'. They will no longer be visible for guests to book, but the connection to QuickConnect will remain intact.

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Last modified: 05 September 2024