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Manual One-Time Jobs Guide

Rental Ninja Property Management Software: One-Time Jobs how to coordinate successfully your team to stay ahead of everything.

Eva avatar
Written by Eva
Updated over a week ago

One Time Jobs can be created manually from the Task Calendar OR from the within a Booking. You can relate them to a Booking, to a Rental or to none of these options.

Examples include:

  • Maintenance Jobs

  • Punctual Jobs (eg. Deep cleaning - Stock Revision etc)

  • Foto reports to document Incidents

  • Accounting Reminders (remind yourself to add extra expenses to your Accounting)

  • Prepare extra items requested by the Guest

  • Provide extra linen/keys

  • Prepare baby crib

  • Change code of lockbox

  • Reminders to yourself of any administrative Job to do

How to Create a One-Time Job in Rental Ninja?

Step by Step Guide.

A. Booking Related Jobs

1. Open a Booking

2.Click on Create Job in the Tasks section of the Booking

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs
Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

3. Fill in the Form - Give the Job a Name, Description (optional), choose the Time Frame and Assign the Job to a Team Member.

Remember that you will only be able to assign it to a Team Member that has access to this Rental

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

4. Optional: Add a pre set Template to the Job to indicate the checklist that needs to be performed in the Job.

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

5. Optional: Assign an Inspector

6. Save the Job by clicking on "Create"

Step by Step

B. Rental Related & General Jobs

From the Task Calendar, you can create Jobs related to a Rental or General Jobs ( that are Not Rental Related).

These Jobs are NOT related to a Booking.

1. Click on Tasks > Calendar > and, on the right low side of your screen, you will see the button "+ Non-Booking-Job".

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

2. Choose if you want to relate the Job to a Rental or not.

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

3. Give it a Title + description (optional) + priority

4. Choose the timeframe

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

5. Assign a Template (optional) to indicate what tasks needs to be performed for this Job. Learn more about Templates here.

6. Assign the Job to a Team Member

7. Optional: Assign an Inspector

8. Click on "+ Create Job" to save it.

Rental Ninja Manual One-Time Jobs

Done, you have created your One Time Job!

You can find the Job in the My/Team Jobs list of the Assignee, as well as in the Calendar & Resource Calendar on the corresponding dates of the Job.

If you'd like to edit the Job later on, you can always do so. Read how to do this in the relate article:

Side note: Manual/One Time Jobs can only be modified MANUALLY.

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